New DepEd Grading System Philippines 2024 – From K to 12

Deped Grading System

The K–12 school program uses a competency-based grading system to give grades based on how well you understand the lessons. The rules for this system are in booklets that explain how it works. All schools follow these rules from the Department of Education (DepEd).

Your grades come from the scores you get on different tests. For official documentation, students may also need a certificate of enrollment or a certificate of registration, which confirms their registration status and participation in the school’s grading system.

To pass a class, you need at least 60 points. But, on your report card, they show it as 75. So, the lowest score you should aim for in your tests is 60.

Schools want students to do their best, but a rule says the lowest score you can get on your report card is called the “floor grade.” The schools have adopted this DepEd grading system. Every three months, Grades 1-12 students are checked on tasks like tasks, written work, and big tests. The importance of each part might be different for each subject. You can use our Easy Online GWA Calculator Tool To calculate your general weighted average in your educational career.

Read Also: New College Grading System Philippines

How to record & compute learner progress?

Kindergarten Learners Progress

Special rules for checking how Kindergarten students are doing will be shared separately. In Kindergarten, instead of using grades with numbers, teachers use checklists and notes to track each child’s progress. These are based on what the Kindergarten curriculum says students should learn. Teachers should keep a collection of the student’s work, like writing samples, completed activity sheets, and artwork. This collection, called a portfolio, shows how well the students are doing and what they’ve learned. Checklists help teachers see if the child can do what’s expected, and notes or reports describe the child’s behavior, attitude, and effort in school.

Grades 1 – 12

Each school term has a big test called the Quarterly Assessment. You also get to show what you know by doing some Written Work and performing well in tasks.

There’s no set amount for how many tasks or written work you need to do. It’s important to spread them out during the term and use them to see how well you’ve learned after finishing each part (quarter).

Curriculum DepEd Grading System

The Curriculum DepEd Grading System has been in place since 2012, marking a significant shift in the education system. It’s your go-to for a comprehensive look at how students are assessed, covering upcoming grades, tasks, behavior during assessments, and quarterly details. This system stands out as a crucial and dependable source, ensuring transparency in outcomes. When it comes to your K-12 curriculum grades, the Department of Education (DepEd) Grading System has you covered.

DepEd Grading System with Honors

Getting honors in the DepEd Grading system means you did super well in school. It’s like a big thumbs up for working hard and getting awesome grades. So, when you hear someone graduated “With Honors,” it’s like they getting a special gold star for being a top-notch student!

Award Category Average Grade Range
Highest Honors 98 to 100
High Honors 95 to 97
Honors 90 to 94
DepEd Grading System with Honors

Students are honored with an Academic Excellence Award based on their overall grades.

How to Compute General Averages & Final Grades in DepEd Grading System

Step 1: Combining Grades for Student Work

It tells you the total grades for one part (like Quarterly Assessment or Written Work). Then, you change the scores into percentages to see how well you’re doing.

Step 2: Transforming Total Scores into Percentages

To figure out your Percentage Score (PS), divide your total score by the maximum possible points. Then, multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.

PS = Student’s total score / Possible Highest Score × 100%

Step 3: Converting Percentage Score to Weighted Scores

Changing percentage scores into Weighted Scores (WS) helps highlight the significance of each component in learning various subjects. Multiply your PS by the specific weight mentioned in the table, and voila, you’ve got your Weighted Score (WS).

WS = PS × Weight of Component

Step 4: Importance of Each Part for Grades 1-10

Component LanguagesAPEsP ScienceMath MAPEHEPP/TLE
Quarterly Assessment 20% 20% 20%
Performance Tasks 50% 40% 60%
Written Work 30% 40% 20%
Importance of Each Part for Grades 1-10

(SHS Grading System) use a mix of different component weights. This table shows which subjects have what weight for each component. If you are a high School Student So it is essential to know How to Compute GWA in SHS.

Step 5: Understanding the Importance of Components in Senior High School (SHS)

Core Subjects Academic Track for All other subjects Academic Track for Research, Work immersion, Performance, Exhibits TVL/ Arts & Design Track, Sports for all other Subjects TVL/ Arts & Design Track, Sports for Research, Work immersion, Performance, Exhibits
Quarterly Assessment 25% 30% 25% 20%
Performance Tasks 50% 45% 40% 60%
Written Work 25% 25% 35% 20%
Components in Senior High School

Step 6: Adding Up Scores for Each Part to Get the Initial Grade

Afterward, this initial grade goes through a change to become the Quarterly Grade (QG). The process depends on the conversion table:

Initial Grade Transmuted Grade Initial Grade Transmuted Grade
100 100    
98.40 – 99.99 99 66.40 – 67.98 79
96.80 – 98.39 98 64.81 – 66.39 78
95.21 – 96.79 97 63.21 – 64.79 77
93.60 – 95.19 96 61.60 – 63.19 76
92.00 – 93.59 95 60.01 – 61.59 75
90.40 – 91.99 94 56.00 – 59.99 74
88.80 – 90.39 93 52.01 – 55.99 73
87.20 – 88.79 92 48.00 – 51.99 72
85.60 – 87.19 91 44.00 – 47.99 71
84.00 – 85.59 90 40.01 – 43.99 70
82.40 – 83.99 89 36.00 – 39.99 69
80.80 – 82.39 88 32.00 – 35.99 68
78.20 – 80.79 87 28.00 – 31.99 67
77.60 – 79.19 86 24.00 – 27.99 66
76.00 – 77.59 85 20.00 – 23.99 65
74.40 – 75.99 84 16.00 – 19.99 64
72.80 – 74.38 83 12.00 -15.99 63
71.20 – 72.79 82 8.00 – 11.99 62
69.61 – 71.19 81 4.00 – 7.99 61
68.00 – 69.59 80 0 – 3.99 60

Step 7: Recording Quarterly Grades

To see how to log the final tests, look at Table 6. It’s an example class record with three students in Grade 4 English for the first quarter. So the first quarter’s Class track record is taken as follows:

  Written Work (30%) Performance Task (50%) Quarterly Assessment (20%) Initial Grade Quarterly Grade
Total PS WS Total PS WS 1 PS WS
Possible Highest Score 160 100 30% 120 100 50% 50 100 20% 100 100
  145 90.63 27.19 100 83.33 41.67 40 80 16 84.86 90
  94 58.75 17.63 109 90.83 45.42 48 96 19.20 82.25 88
  54 33.75 10.13 63 52.50 26.25 29 58 11.60 47.98 71
first quarter’s Class track record

Easy Steps for Calculating Grades

  1. Add up the grades for each part.
  2. Divide the total by the highest possible grade, then multiply by 100%.
  3. Multiply the Percentage Score by the weight from Table 4 and Table 5.
  4. Add all the Weighted Scores. That’s your Initial Grade.
  5. Use the Transmutation Table to adjust the Initial Grade.

How is the student’s progress Reported?

Parents and guardians get updates on the student’s progress every quarter during a meeting with teachers. They discuss the report card, which shows how well the student is doing. You can find the grading scale and explanations in Table 10. Also, there are extra comments given at the end of each grade level.

90-100 Outstanding
85-89 Strongly Satisfactory (Passed)
80-84 Satisfactory (Passed)
75-79 Fairly Satisfactory (Passed)
Below 75 Did Not Meet Expectations (Failed)
student’s progress Reported

DepEd Promotion Guidelines

For all schools, achieving a final grade of 75 is the requirement to move on to the next level. Here’s a simple guide for your promotion or retention in DepEd:

Learners Requirements Decision
Grades 1-3 Students 75 final grade in all learning components Students must acquire passing marks in remedial classes then be promoted to the next grade.
  Didn’t accomplish all requirements in more than two components Successfully promoted to next grade levels
  Didn’t match expectations in over three components Attain the same level again
Grades 4-10 Students 75 Final Grade Successfully promoted to next grading level
  Passing the remedial class is essential otherwise considered a fail and in the same grade The student is Promoted for  Certification of Junior Higher School
  Didn’t match more than 3 areas Must retain the same grade
  Pass all Elementary learning areas Elementary Certificate is achievable
    Students must acquire passing marks in remedial classes and then be promoted to the next grade.
  Clear all Junior High School learning areas Successfully earn your certificate of Junior High School
    Promotable for the Senior High School
Grades 11-12 Students 75 Final Grade in a semester of learning area Proceedable to next semester
  Didn’t meet Expectations in a whole semester Obtain your Certificate of Senior Higher School
  Obtain your Certificate of Senior Higher School Now must clear the remedial classes otherwise considered as the failure of the subject
  Clear all subjects of Senior Higher schooling Now must clear the remedial classes otherwise considered as the failure of the subject

How Do the Filipino Child’s Important Values Show on the Report Card?

The K to 12 learning plan aims to help Filipinos develop skills for the future. It’s not just about learning; it’s also about becoming a good person. The Report Card reflects how well students are doing based on the values the Education Department finds important. Schools not under the Education Department can adjust these guidelines to match what they believe is important for their students.

Simple Guidelines for Ranking and Grading in K-12 Education

Honors Ranking for K-12

These rules help decide which students from kindergarten to 12th grade should get special recognition for their good grades and achievements. It helps to identify students who perform the best in their studies.

K-12 Grading System

This is the way teachers measure and record students’ school performance from kindergarten to 12th grade. It explains how grades are given for different subjects and activities, making sure it is fair and consistent. The K to 12 grading system includes the steps and tools teachers use to check students’ learning and skills throughout their school years.

K to 12 Classroom Assessment Guidelines

  • Undersecretaries
  • Assistant Secretaries
  • Bureau Directors
  • Regional Directors
  • School Division Superintendents
  • Heads of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
  • Others Concerned

As part of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (Republic Act No. 10533), the Department of Education (DepEd) is introducing new guidelines. They are for classroom assessment in the K to 12 program. These guidelines will start in SY 2015-2016 in all public schools.

Why Classroom Assessment Is Important

Classroom assessments are essential for checking how well students are learning. They help teachers adjust lessons to fit students’ needs. They also keep parents informed about their child’s progress. These tests ensure students meet the K to 12 standards.

Who Should Follow These Guidelines?

These guidelines need all public schools to follow them. Private schools can also apply them. They may change them based on their philosophy, vision, and mission. They need approval from the DepEd Regional Office.

What is Classroom Assessment?

Classroom assessment helps teachers measure how well students meet the K to 12 learning goals. It helps teachers adjust their methods. It also encourages students to reflect on their learning.

There are two main types of classroom assessments:

  • Formative Assessment (Assessment for Learning): This occurs during lessons. It helps teachers find students’ strengths and areas for improvement. It allows teachers to adjust their teaching in real-time. These assessments don’t affect final grades but guide learning.
  • Summative Assessment (Assessment of Learning): It happens at a lesson’s or grading period’s end. It measures if students met the required standards. Teachers grade and report summative assessments to students and parents.

What Do Teachers Assess?

Assessments focus on three main areas:

  1. Content Standards – What students should know.
  2. Performance Standards – The skills they need to improve.
  3. Learning competencies – specific abilities students should show to prove they understand the lessons.

Teachers use various methods to assess students. They range from simple recall to complex skills, like analysis and evaluation.

DepEd Order on Awards and Recognition (2024)

DepEd Order (2024) sets rules for recognizing student achievements. This system promotes holistic development. It celebrates students’ achievements in many areas. It encourages personal growth and leadership, not just academic success.

Types of Awards in the K to 12 Program

  1. Academic Excellence Awards: Given to students with high academic averages.
    • With Highest Honors (98-100)
    • With High Honors (95-97)
    • With Honors (90-94)
  2. Leadership Awards: For students who show strong leadership skills. They must balance academics with active involvement in school organizations and activities.
  3. Special Awards: For students excelling in the arts, sports, journalism, or community service.
  4. Conduct Awards: These awards honor students with good morals. They must discipline themselves and show respect for others.

Criteria for Awards

  • Academic Performance: Based on the students’ grade point averages.
  • Leadership and Participation: Involvement in school activities, clubs, and leadership roles is considered.
  • Good Conduct: Schools recognize students who show exemplary behavior throughout the school year.

Key Features of the deped Grading Templates:

Quarterly Grade Sheets:
These sheets are used to calculate and record student grades for each subject, based on written work, performance tasks, and exams.
Consolidation Sheets:
Used to compute final grades by averaging the quarterly grades of each student, providing an overall performance summary.
Key Features of the deped Grading Templates:


To sum it up, the DepEd grading system checks how well students are doing at different grade levels. It makes sure students are learning and getting better. This includes reaching a certain grade, joining extra classes if needed, and getting certificates as they move through school. The goal is to help students learn while keeping standards in place.


What is the grading system used by DepEd?

DepEd uses an averaging system, combining scores from various assessments to evaluate a student’s overall performance.

How does DepEd calculate final grades?

DepEd calculates final grades by averaging scores from quizzes, exams, projects, and other assessments.

How does DepEd support students with special needs?

DepEd provides inclusive education with special programs and services tailored to meet the unique learning needs of students with disabilities.

Does 89.5 get honors in DepEd?

No, in DepEd, honors typically start at a higher grade, often 90 and above, depending on school-specific criteria.

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